Mobile Campaigns





Coca Cola

What’s in a name? For Coca-Cola, the Share a Coke campaign has always resonated with an audience that love to spot their own names on bottles of the iconic drink. For the relaunch in Australia, the brand wanted to go one step further, and engage their fans with a more targeted and inclusive social media approach.

On the brand’s social media pages, fans would post comments on posts and Coca-Cola would then respond to these comments with custom bite size videos, featuring the name of the person who made the comment. People would get a thrill from seeing these videos with their and their friends’ names on it, spawning another round of sharing and engagement. Heart emojis all round!






Facebook came with a challenge… they had an amazing online learning resource, but they needed a way to attract eyeballs to the content. The answer? An animated trailer for each lesson! My team wrote, designed and animated thirteen, yes 1-3, unique motion graphics pieces for the free online training course, ‘Learn With Facebook’. Covering a range of scintillating topics, our animations featured stylish characters, juicy transitions and a healthy dose of eye-catching visual candy for good measure. The work was crucial in upping the site’s view count, helping Facebook get closer to their goal of training millions of people around the world in online literacy by 2020.

Being given only a basic script for text, the team took each of the animations from concept through to final delivery, including styleframes, pencils and full storyboards. This was crucial to ensure that the ideas for each lesson were on track before committing to final design.








For its launch, Fanta realised that it wasn’t getting the attention they wanted from their target demo-teens! They needed to build street cred with them. With the insight that teens love to co-create like crazy with brands, people and platforms they love, Fanta approached my team to help promote their commitment to co-create with teens. First, they partnered with Disrupt Sports, to inspire teens to design their own sports gear. They wanted fun. Engaging. Cool. Visually stunning. I crafted a colourful, personality driven visual treatment, always on brand, that would appeal to a younger audience. The 3D animations were quirky and had real fizz (pun intended), plus Fanta even wanted to get my board designs made for real!

The ads drove thousands of teens to the Fanta site to create their own unique blend of designs for skateboards and surfboards. They loved playing with the infinite combinations of designs and generating their own unique look. Overall, the campaign was a success and my creations helped contribute to 2.5 million engagements of the campaign and the highest sales boost Fanta had seen in years!









The merriest time of the year – Xmas – sometimes come with challenges. Dan Murphy’s, Australia’s largest liquor chain wanted to inspire their consumers to consider and sample different beverages based on different circumstances. Behold ‘Dan Murphy’s Ranks’. The campaign is a tongue in cheek approach to list the multiple familiar scenarios to try different cocktails. Illustrated from scratch, each animated video drew inspirations from ‘your favourite TV series’ to ‘the definition of being hairy’. All in all this campaign became Dan Murphy’s most celebrated festive campaign, garnering hundreds of thousands of views on social media platform.




